
First issue was I had no idea where to start. Doctors basically have no time for you.  They share what they think they should and leave you to deal with it. Also, what do you ask someone about something that you have no idea about! So, you just nod, smile and go home and feel worse, and feel all sorry for yourself.
However, we live in great times – we have access to information. That was my first step.
First, I researched every information I could on diabetes, hypertension and my gall bladder problem. I searched the internet. I found very interesting tips and information on www.diabetes.co.ukwww.livestrong.com amongst other sites. There is a huge amount of information available.
All the research, led to one key solution to my problem.  LOSE the weight.  

And losing weight was not just an exercise in working-out and diet, I realised it was much more. It meant, I had to:

 – re-tune my thinking
– get my family on my side 
– be more disciplined (if I had to wake up 2 hours earlier than usual so I could add gym to my routine, I had to). Also getting adequate sleep was as important as the work out.
– work on my emotional side – lots. There are days you just don’t good. Those are the days you need to be stronger, and push yourself
– find my spiritual side, to ensure I was happy inside, knew who i was. (this lead me to searching for a  higher purpose which I had always questioned in the past – more on that in later posts)
– change my way of attitude towards food.
– change my attitude towards working out.  Wow, is it hard! In London when the temperatures get low and all you want to do is lay in the duvet that extra hour….
– let go of all inhibitions – when you are at the gym, you are the only ‘focus’ you need to be
– learn to be more happy

Biggest question I worried about: But, where do I start?

I realised, I had to simply give it everything I had –  to make a change!

Don’t believe anyone who says that you should go ahead and eat/drink anything you want as long as you drink/eat in moderation. NOPE. 

It’s a committment. No half measures. You got to give it all that you have got!Life gave me a second chance – I wanted to not mess it up.