Last year, after my big health scare, I lost 4 stone (over 25 kilos) in 8 months of making huge lifestyle changes. I made better food choices, exercised, ensured I got enough sleep every night and worked on my general well being.

Then, things changed. I suffered a huge loss when my mother passed suddenly at the end of October last year. I went back to my old ways. I started looking for “comfort” in the same things I did in the past – food, a bit of alcohol and had long duvet days. Regret, hurt, pain kept me awake at night. I isolated myself. Although every now and again I forced myself to go for long walks, overall I had lost the consistency. My lifestyle had begun to look dysfunctional, yet again.

I have sadly gained back one stone, over 6 kilos in these 4 months of mourning. It made me realise how we are always walking on a tight rope.

Nothing can be taken for granted. Not death, not life, not living.

Just as I had made a choice to shed the access weight to regain health. I had somehow subconsciously made a choice to let myself go. I have no answers for this. I promote good eating, healthy food choices, exercise, and yet I had allowed myself to fall again.

I am not the one to feel sorry for myself. Always happy to beat myself up when I fall. I realised this was not the right attitude to have. My life experiences have taught me to pick myself up all those times when life has brought me to my knees. I am choosing to get up and walk again.

I wanted to share this as we all need to know that the challenges of life continue no matter what. How we deal with those challenges is critical for our well being and those who care for us.

Today, I am seeking all the strength to get back on the road to the journey I chose for myself – one of good health, healthy living, the exercise of body, mind and soul.