Not so Sweet; Mr Whippy

Guest Blog by

I just had to post this photo of Mr Whippy.

I heard the familiar jingle as I was walking through the park on a warm spring evening. Instantly I was taken back to my childhood when we used to love the sound of Mr Whippy on a hot summers day and after convincing mum to part with a few coins, nothing seemed nicer than watching the white creamy ice cream being twirled into a cone then sprinkled with 100s n 1000s and if we were lucky a small flake being push in the side. (more…)

When I’m​ Feeling Blue, All I have To Do Is …….


We all have blue days. Don’t we?
Some days it is because we are overstressed, overworked, upset with somebody, hurt, not feeling loved, unwell or someone whom we love deeply is unwell. So many reasons. But some days we feel blue for just no reason. I am certain, we have all been there. This morning I woke up feeling blue. Just for no reason.  Perhaps it is the London grey day? But then its grey most days here? So, why today? No real reason.
But, that’s not the point. The point is what do I do when I feel blue? Well, there is ‘what I did‘ when I felt blue in the past, and ‘what I do now’.
My past
In the past, without giving it much thought – I would just head to the pantry, and pick out whatever came my way, obviously anything edible :). I have had ice-creams at 9 am, chocolates at 7 am, have eaten my way out of feeling blue by chipping away at potato chips all day, have had pizzas (which I typically don’t like) for lunch and dinner and in-between meals, eaten and eaten and eaten my way out! Did it make me feel any better? A big FAT NO.  I piled on the pounds and kilos and thought it was fine to do that. By the time I got over this very temporary phase, I would be feeling fat and feel guilty. The guilt would make me go back to feeling low, and the cycle would continue. I would make myself feel better by eating and foolishly thinking, that at least I wasn’t calling up anyone and whining, or putting up sad Facebook posts, ha.

My now

Today I woke up feeling blue. For no reason, as I said.  Just did.  Each time I felt the desire to get something out of that pantry, I stopped myself and drank a glass of water.  Yes, I feel bloated now, ha! But, guess what. Today, I won’t be doing any of that. I put my mind over matter – fully.

Instead, I will::

  • Continue with my normal healthy options
  • Go for a walk, and exercise longer
  • Call a friend and chat – and be honest about my feelings
  • Read a trashy novel
  • blog (which I am doing now – but will I post this? hope so…so others can get some tips..)
  • Watch ‘Jeremy Kyle’ and see how life is worse for others
  • listen to my favourite songs (oh, Dido…where are you?)
  • Perhaps, feel a little bad for myself – get tired of being a superhuman some times…
  • And simply CHILL
Good luck to those of us that feel this way, some days. Just know that this too shall pass. Don’t eat trash on such days. Just do the right things for you, and those are not connected with food. Distract yourself with better stuff — and it will pass. I promise myself that…!
